The 6th Doctor – Big Finish Productions – “The Sixth Doctor: The Last Adventure” – The Valeyard and the Doctor and the Final Confrontation

The 6th Doctor never had a show or film for his regeneration but Big Finish Productions did convince Colin Baker to come back for this story so his regeneration story could still be told. This is my first audio-production review and I’ll be reviewing the 4 dramas that make up this last adventure for the 6th Doctor and his regeneration into the 7th Doctor in the lead-up to the 13th Doctor’s regeneration. I’m so glad these exist as I’ve loved audio-storytelling and it was in the audio being saved in how so many Classic “Doctor Who” adventures still exist and became saved through animation later. I hope that Big Finish can eventually do it for this last adventure too and make it official canon and animates this last adventure as I don’t see the BBC giving us another story and so much work went into this last adventure for Colin Baker’s 6th Doctor.

Nicholas Briggs directed all 4 audio-dramas and I’ll credit the writers for their individual stories.

The 4 dramas explore the Valeyard’s plot as the Doctor seeks to stop him.


The End of the Line

Written by Simon Barnard & Paul Morris

The story has the Doctor and his companion Constance seeking to stop the unraveling of a dimensional nexus that exists as a train station as the Master must be stopped from unraveling all reality. The story is solid with the Valeyard showing up after the Doctor convinces the Normans (folks who run the dimension for the now extinct “Parallel Faction” to save the dimensions.) to stop the Master and the Valeyard stops the Master from interfering as we learn this Train Station Nexus is where he recharges his power. Constance was a good companion taking control of situations but a lot of the supporting cast never got beyond base stock characters except for the Master reveal and Valeyard arrival.

Score: 8 / 10 Solidly good story.

The Red House

Written by Alan Barnes

The Doctor and his companion Charley end up in a village of inverted werewolves who are intelligent in their werewolf forms and aggressive in their human forms. The conflict around the human colonists on the mainland and werewolves is good but isn’t given much depth. The most interesting story parts are the Valeyard manipulating Charley as his plot continues to unfold and the Doctor’s empathy and fighting for the werewolves. Charley has awareness of time given she’s an 8th Doctor companion as the Valeyard points out so it adds a complicated element to her relationship with the Doctor. I liked Constance better though as Charley has no awareness of her wealth, privilege and classism so her only plus as a companion is her awareness and relationship to the Doctor’s future 8th incarnation that she can’t talk to the 6th Doctor about.

Score: 7.3 / 10

Stage Fright

Written by Matt Fitton

The Valeyard’s plot in Victorian London is unraveled as he recreates plays of the past Doctor regenerations to reinvigorate himself and consume the Doctor. The Valeyard succeeds to strengthen himself though the Doctor’s companion Flip stops him from fully consuming the Doctor. The past returning characters from Victorian England are okay as is Flip but the Doctor’s self-reflection and the Valeyard threat make this story good. The internal conflict within Colin Baker’s 6th Doctor really strengthens the story and it is the most personal in the lead up to the final audio-drama.

Score: 8.4 / 10

The Brink of Death

Written by Nicholas Briggs

This final story really is an amazing send-up to the 6th Doctor. The Doctor uses the own Valeyard’s plan against him as he starves the Nathemus who were letting the Valeyard possess the Doctor and trap him in the Matrix, in turn allowing the Valeyard to escape. This is a personal story and the Valeyard confronting his darker self in the Valeyard is powerful as the Doctor chooses possible permanent Death and regeneration and in turn defeats the Valeyard. This personal fight and denying Valeyard conquest of the Time Lords is an amazing end to the terrible introduction he received in “The Twin Dilemma” as Colin Baker receives a great send-off to his Doctor. Mel is present as the 6th Doctor’s companion to tie into her being Sylvester McCoy’s 7th Doctor’s companion at the beginning of his run.

Score: 9 / 10

For an introduction to Big Finish Audio Productions and the first 6th Doctor story that was actually good this is one I recommend. The companions aren’t the strongest part but they are never bad and the Doctor and Valeyard plot that is the heart of the story works. It is a shame Colin Baker couldn’t get more stories like these during his run on the show and that it took Big Finish Productions for his Doctor to receive quality stories.

Final Score: 8.3 / 10

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